Textbook of Community Medicine
The objective of the textbook is to develop an understanding of the subject of community medicine among the readers with respect to its relevance, contribution and applicability to health and disease of the communities, and maintain a reader-friendly approach throughout. This edition is much more than the ‘revised’ edition of Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. Many chapters/sections have been completely rewritten due to the rapid and significant developments in certain fields, such as re-emerging diseases, nutrition, disabilities, genetics, national health mission, RMNCH+A. The discipline of community medicine ranges from primary and preventive healthcare approach to health planning, policies and health management. The concepts seamlessly move from local to global view of the topics, while keeping its relevance in the national context. The entire information on a topic is available at one place. The language has been kept simple, with addition of relevant examples, illustrations for easier and better understanding. ‘Further reading’ resources mentioned in each chapter for those interested in more details. Keeping in mind the students’ increasing access to internet and online content, authentic, relevant and updated website links have been meticulously provided for all the chapters. This will facilitate self-directed learning among students. The contents of the book are in line with the Medical Council of India recommended curriculum framework. This textbook is recommended for the faculty and students of undergraduate courses of medicine, dentistry and nursing; and for postgraduate students of community medicine, preventive and social medicine, public health, and family medicine.