Essential Pediatric Nursing 4th Edition
The fourth edition of this popular textbook is presented in an entirely new avatar. The design and layout are changed with all pictures in color, retaining the two color format for the text. We have two new Associate Editors, renowned authors in the fields of Nursing and Pediatrics. This volume is aimed at preparing the graduate nurses at the pre-service level so that they can learn to provide effective, quality and holistic care to the children. It includes clinical evaluation of children, normal growth and development in different age groups right from neonatal to adolescent period, health promotion including preventive pediatrics, deviation from normal pattern, and different disease conditions affecting the children and their management. In addition, pediatric nursing procedures and integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses have been described in depth in the book. This edition has included several newer concepts such as family centered nursing care, atraumatic nursing care, communication, anticipatory guidance, and child advocacy that have been interwoven throughout the text. Nursing care of the children affected with various medical and surgical disease conditions using nursing care plans have also been incorporated in almost all chapters. They are grounded with updated clinical knowledge and theoretical principles of nursing care. The nursing students would be able to practice the gained skills and competence in different settings namely hospitals including general ward, emergency services, pediatric and neonatal intensive care units; the outdoor patient department; health centers; and at home.