The Best of Indian Pediatrics
Indian Pediatrics regularly publishes topical reviews, guidelines and recommendations formulated by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), its Chapters, Groups, and Committees; and other National bodies. These publications are an important resource for guiding the practitioners in the management of various day-to-day pediatric problems. Though these articles are freely available on the Indian Pediatrics website; yet, it was a long-standing demand of IAP members that a collection of these articles be published, to facilitate their availability at one place for ready referral. The present compendium has been published by Indian Pediatrics in response to these suggestions.
We hope that this volume will serve the purpose it is intended for and help in practicing standard treatment guidelines for disorders where consensus statements are in place. The two-color format of this book will be pleasing to eye and also help in highlighting important tables, boxes, and key messages.