Febrile Seizures _7 Practice Points
7 Practice points on Febrile Seizures
- Complex febrile seizure can be either focal, duration more than 15 min, or multiple episodes in 24 hours.
- Simple febrile seizure plus (SFS+) are febrile seizures that are generalized, last for less than 15 min, but have more than one episode in 24 hours. SFS+ behaves like SFS rather than CFS and the overall prognosis is same as SFS.
- There are only three indications for lumbar puncture: (a) Presence of Meningeal signs, (b) Infant 6-12 months when not vaccinated for Hib/Pneumococcal or when the immunization status is not known, and (c) optional indication if the child has been pretreated with antibiotic.
- There is no role of EEG or MRI Brain in simple febrile seizure. Role is restricted to focal febrile seizure and febrile status epilepticus or when there is pre-existing developmental delay.
- The use of antipyretic agents does not alter the recurrence rate (class 1 evidence), and there is no evidence to support initiation of regular antiepileptic drugs for simple febrile seizures (class 1 evidence)
- Intermittent prophylaxis with clobazam is prescribed only when there are more than three seizures in 6 months, or more than four seizures in 12 months, seizures last for more than 15 minutes, or in the seizures that require medication.
- Continuous prophylaxis with sodium valproate is indicated among children with febrile status epilepticus (prolonged febrile seizure beyond 30 minutes), complex and recurrent FS >6 yr despite intermittent prophylaxis.
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Piyush Gupta MD, FNNF, FIAP, FAMS, Professor of Pediatrics and In-charge, Medical Education Unit, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi.
Editor-in-Chief, Indian Pediatrics (2008-2013)
Email: drpiyushguptaucms@gmail.com; Mob: 9625900641
1. Mastrangelo M, Midulla F, Moretti C. Actual insights into the clinical management of febrile seizures. Eur J Pediatr. 2014;173:977–82.
2. Lewis DV, Shinnar S, Hesdorffer DC, Bagiella E, Bello JA, Chan S, et al. Hippocampal sclerosis after febrile status epilepticus: the FEBSTAT study. Ann Neurol. 2014;75:178–85.
3. Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures, American Academy of Pediatrics. Neurodiagnostic evaluation of the child with a simple febrile seizure. Pediatrics. 2011;127:389–94.
4. Grill MF, Ng Y-T. “Simple febrile seizures plus (SFS+)”: more than one febrile seizure within 24 hours is usually okay. Epilepsy Behav EB. 2013;27:472–6.
5. Wilmshurst JM, Gaillard WD, Vinayan KP, Tsuchida TN, Plouin P, Van Bogaert P, et al. Summary of recommendations for the management of infantile seizures: Task Force Report for the ILAE Commission of Pediatrics. Epilepsia. 2015;56:1185–97. Visit to read https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/epi.13057
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